
Welcome to my website dedicated to "Computer Music". My name is Mayumi YAMANAKA. I started playing music when I was very young. At the time, it was on electronic keyboards and my recordings were analog (on audio cassettes). I always bought my instruments myself. It is for this reason that I bought electronic keyboards rather than synthesizers.

First musical adventure from 1986 to 1998.
At the time, everything was recorded on audio cassette and played track after track. It was impossible for me to record all the tracks at the same time.

Second musical adventure from 1998 to 2004.
Here, I begin in "Computer Music" (CM in English, M.A.O in french) in 1998. I begin to compose (or recreate according to my originals) with Cubase VST 3.7. Between 1999 and 2004, I rewrote almost all the music I had composed between 1986 and 1998 on the basis of cassette recordings. Unfortunately, many records have been lost. Then, I composed others.

Third musical adventure which started in 2016.
After 12 years of absence, I decided to return to the world of musical creation. It was because of Lidl that I wanted to compose again. This store advertised an electronic keyboard. But since I was used to synthesizers, I couldn't buy this. Since I sold everything, I had to buy some equipment. But I use a lot of virtual instruments (VSTi).

Since the beginning of November 2022, I have signed a contract with DistroKid
to sell my music on streaming platforms (Spotify, ITunes, Deezer, YouTube Music...).

The "Mayumi 826" studio.
You can largely see my studio. You just see a little of the mixing console which is next to the computer and the Yamaha and Korg synths. You can see the studio in Relief 3D (put on your red/cyan glasses) or in Real 3D (use a 3D TV or video projector) by clicking on the logos below.
Click on the logos to see my studio in 3D:  
© 2024 Copyright Mayumi YAMANAKA